Rafael Rafael nadal obtained the “Legend Award” on Wednesday evening at Marca’s gold birthday event in The city, after being chosen by the game daily’s visitors as the best Language sportsman of all-time. In front side of other Language wearing stars, such as four-time Huge Throw champ Brother Santana, the
ATP Globe Trip No. 1 compensated honor to his forerunners and colleagues. “I would like to thank everyone behind me and all those who are not here this evening because as well as golf, I’m mad about game in common,” he said. “I have had some memorable days thanks to all those who have taken The country to the biggest stage in game. Thank you so much because that enjoyment is what creates game experience different.”
Nadal completed first in the Marca.com study, organised in commemoration of the paper’s 75 decades, getting 25.6 % of all ballots throw. Five-time Trip de Italy champion Miguel Indurain completed second with 11.6 % of ballots, and NBA celebrity Pau Gasol third with 8.6 %. .
Gasol, who joined the all-Spanish last between Rafael nadal and Bob Ferrer at Roland Garros this season, sent videos clip concept congratulating his countryman. “I want to deliver a unique honor to my buddy Rafa for successful this 75th Anniversary MARCA ‘Leyenda’ prize,” he said. “Congratulations, appreciate it, you are the best.”
fabulous achievement by the Nadal at the end of year.